Flat vacuum

For all around the home. Compact your unworn clothing and spare bedding in a vacuum pack you can trust. With a water-tight seal and one way valve system, you can protect your possessions with confidence. Your belongings will return to their original shape once removed from the storage bag.

High volume

For big and bulky items. Ideally shaped, Packmate High Volume Vacuum Bags can be stored discreetly on top of, or inside your wardrobe. With a square base it is simple to stack your condensed items on their own or within a storage box.

Packmate Bags

Flat Bags

Flat Vacuum Storage Bags for all around the home

Packmate Flat Vacuum Storage Bags are the perfect solution to store all your out-of-season clothes, spare towels, extra bedding, curtains and even duvets. Packmate Flat Vacuum Storage Bags are air-tight and save you so much space, up to 75% compared to a standard storage solution.

High Volume

High Volume Vacuum Storage Bags

Packmate High Volume Storage Bags feature a square base and are ideal for storing inside or on top of a wardrobe as they won’t topple. They also fit perfectly into plastic storage containers, to keep all your compressed items neatly in one place.